Wallpaper materials can be quite costly and often require expertise and a unique approach in handling. Reach out to us and tap into our expertise— let us help you make an informed and educated decision, so your project is handled flawlessly from the outset. We look forward to collaborating with you.
Call/Text: _+1(786) 206-4959
My name is Alex (Alisher) Khal, the owner, and senior paperhanger at Alex Khal & Co Wallpaper Specialists, formerly known as Stick-N-Go Wallpaper Installation.
I dedicated over 10 years to mastering my paperhanging skills before opening my own company. What began as a side hustle evolved into a genuine passion.

At present, I lead a small team of senior and junior installers whom I personally vet, mentor, and prepare for each project we undertake. I invest my heart and soul to ensure they deliver on-site excellence. My motto is "The project is not complete until my client is pleased with the result."

Understanding that effective communication is crucial in smaller renovation projects, I take the time to thoroughly assess each job and address any potential concerns in advance. I don't boast a large team or warehouse, and I don't allocate significant funds to extravagant advertising campaigns. This approach allows me to maintain fair and reasonable prices. I know my craft inside out and ensure exceptional results.