Wallpaper materials can be quite costly and often require expertise and a unique approach in handling. Reach out to us and tap into our expertise— let us help you make an informed and educated decision, so your project is handled flawlessly from the outset. We look forward to collaborating with you.
Bringing ideas to completion is an immensely inspiring journey. Collaborating with Janice on this project was truly an honor. We appreciate your trust in us!
Living room project
A gently textured wallcovering; fine raffia is tightly woven and then coated with matt and metallic effects to create a textural delight.
Woven materials are a lot heavier than traditional wallpapers. They require a high level of precision and craftsmanship, especially when we install them on ceilings. Extra pair of hands is a must when dealing with such projects.
We transformed a dining room into a lounge area with the help of our dearest friends from Hilari Styles studio.The collaboration with the designer was pivotal in elevating the overall design concept.
Bringing ideas to completion is an immensely inspiring journey. Collaborating with Janice on this project was truly an honor. We appreciate your trust in us!
The client directly approached us with an idea to revamp their master bedroom. Collaboratively, we sourced the perfect wallpaper and arranged for handyman services to prepare the space.